Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Race Results and Other Stuff

It has been 3 days since I have posted something. I was doing really well at the end of last week and even posted twice on the same day. The race was awesome! The turnout was kind of disappointing compared to the last race. JR, JC, and I (I guess I should use my initials too...) saw a really random thing on the way to the race. There was a man pulling out of the Kroger parking lot with his window down pulling a grocery cart. How weird is that? I guess he needed one of those at his house. We also saw a man with an umbrella hat and a cooler on a 4 wheeler knocking on a post. There are obviously some strange people out before 7am on Saturdays!

I finished the race in under 32 minutes. That is a minute and 1/2 faster than the first! I was so excited. As I crossed the finish line, my whole body jerked and I really thought I was going to throw up! I found out that I finished 5th in my age group. How cool is that!! To be honest, I am really proud of myself (that sounds weird to say). I have come a long way since 309 lbs. Here are the results: http://www.designawish.racesonline.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=site.results&sub_domain=designawish.

After the race on Saturday, I had a pool party for the students that are moving up into the middle school ministry. There are some interesting kids moving up to say the least!! We really had fun!!!

I spent last night hanging out with Brayden, while Joni taught her discipleship class. He makes me laugh! He is now in this "I need to climb on everything" stage. You really have to watch him or he will be diving off the counter face first. He is certainly the coolest kid on the planet!!

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