Thursday, July 20, 2006


I was driving to work the other day listening to an ungodly secular station. (By the way, can you tell that it annoys me when Christians think you should only listen to Christian music, whatever that is.) The guy on the radio asked this question, "If you could have any superpower, what would you want?" I did lots of thinking (probably too much) and decided that flying would be cool, super strength would be awesome, shooting webs out of your wrists would rock, but I believe that the ultimate superpower would be to be invisible. Now before you start thinking about all the bad things you could do. Think about how cool it would be to get revenge on those that make you mad. You could walk up and slap them in the face without them even knowing it. How awesome would it be if you could trip those people at work or school who get on your nerves and watch them fall to the ground. Probably not very Jesus-like, but would be extremely funny.

Here's my question, what superpower would you want?

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