Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Wee Little Man

It's Wednesday and I just finished speaking to some of the greatest students on the planet. First of all, I want to say that interns rock and so do all of the people that make Wednesday nights 'happen'. Tonight, we took a look at one of my favorite stories in the Bible. The story of Zaccheus is pretty funny. A wee little man trying to see Jesus. The cool thing is that, despite the arrogance of the religious elite, he met Jesus. He was virtually an outcast from society because people viewed him as a thief. No one wanted to hang out with him. He was obviously searching for something because he did one of the most random things...he climbed a tree. Jesus came by and hung out with him and proclaimed, "salvation has come to your house today".

This story is a perfect example of how our churches operate. The religious elite sometimes get upset when Jesus saves those that they do not even necessarily like. There are 'invisible' people all around us that we pass by each day, not really caring whether they go to Hell or not. It's true about all of us. I'll be the first to admit that I do it. My prayer is that we begin to see the world as Jesus sees it. And as a result, we do what Jesus did..."seek out the lost." I don't know about you, but it seems to me that we have lots of work to do!!!! If we don't go after these people, who will? Will you be the one to tell them about Christ??

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