Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3 Blind Mice...

Ok...maybe not 3. Ok, he/she is not blind. If that was the case, it would be much easier to catch it. This mouse is driving us crazy. We have seen it on several occasions and cannot seem to catch it. I put out some glue traps (w/ peanut butter) over the weekend. Stil no mouse. Any ideas about how to catch this thing?


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you need to rent the movie "Mouse Trap" - I think that's the correct title. That way, your mouse problem won't seem so bad. Or you could move.

Don't worry, you'll catch it!

Becky Mills

Anonymous said...

Call the exterminator. There will never be another mouse in the house after he leaves.

J.C. said...

yeah we use the old traps with peanut butter. but if someone from PETA is reading this than we feed him cheese and grape juice and ask him back for more fun and excitement.

Anonymous said...

dCon really works.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with the DECON
they eat it and go off to die without you even having to touch them! The best thing is it will not stink!!