Friday, January 05, 2007

How I lost 70lbs in 2006 (and plan to keep it off)

It is that time of year. Everyone is talking about losing weight. The gyms are packed. Restaurants are selling more salads. Everyone in the world has a plan to lose that extra weight.

Last year, I lost 70 lbs. Yes, I said 70 lbs. I still remember the day that I stepped on the scales and weighed over 300 lbs. I lived life being constantly discouraged about my weight and had no idea what to do about it. This is something that I had struggled with my entire life. I had tried every diet out there. None of them were successful. Some appeared to be successful but as soon as I stopped the diet, I gained the weight back plus more.

Then I finally tried something that worked. It took a life change, not just a diet. I had heard people say this all my life and I had never believed them. I was going to be the exception to the rule. Here's the deal: I don't think there are exceptions to the rule. It takes determination. It takes sacrifice. It takes hard work. It takes life change.

Here are three things that I did to lose weight.

a. Eat Right. I have tried all kinds of diets that allow you to eat whatever you want. I tried Atkins, where I ate steak, wings, or cheeseburger patties every meal. The bottom line is that you have to eat right. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to count calories. I allow myself about 1500 per day. That means I eat lots of Lean Cuisines, which are about 300 cal. each.

b. Exercise. This was the part that I was never good at. I always tried to find a way around the exercise part. JR and I began running a year ago. (There was a lot more walking than running in the early days!) Now, we run at least 2 miles 4 days a week. Make up your mind. Put on your iPod and get your body moving. It is the only way to really lose weight. I never would have thought that I would love to run. I am addicted to the results. If I can do it, I believe anyone can!

c. Find an accountability partner. I think this is one of the keys to success. There will be days that you will not feel like eating right and working out. It helps to have someone who is as passionate as you are about losing weight. Trust me there were days that I wanted to give up, but it helped to have JR there to encourage me. Plus, no one wants to be the guy that just gives up and lets someone else down.

These are also the things that I will do to keep the weight off. They are also the things I will do to lose the rest of my weight. These are the things that I will do for the rest of my life!

I hope this helps!


1 comment:

Jeff Bumgardner said...

I'm really proud of you, jtoddl. And, by the way, you sure are looking good in those jeans.