Wednesday, February 07, 2007

TV rocks...

Before Tivo(Did that day ever exist? And how did we survive?), I didn't watch much TV because I knew that I would never be able to follow a show on a consistent basis. Now, my family has several shows that we watch together. It's how we spend some of our time hanging out together.

Last night, Brayden sat and watched American Idol. He was running around the house saying, "Idol. Randy. Paula. Simon." He was also laughing at the people on the show. I wonder how they would feel if they knew a 2 year old was laughing at them. Looks like we have a little American Idol junkie on our hands.

I am pretty excited about the return of Survivor, The Amazing Race, and Lost. I love me some TV!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American Idol.

The one show my whole family watches. Tori, Sam, my mother, and I watch it every week-in the same room. I became hooked last year. I really don't understand it.

Becky Mills