Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I love Wednesdays...

Wednesday is my 2nd favorite day of the week. Why 2nd? My favorite day of the week is Saturday. I absolutely love hanging out with my wife, who is my best friend and the most unbelievable woman in the world. I also love to hang out with Brayden and Anniston. Brayden is turning into a little wild man. He goes wide open all the time. Anniston is the girl who should be arrested for stealing my heart. By the way, she continues to do well. She weighed 3lbs 13ozs today.

Wednesdays are my 2nd favorite day because I get to hang out with some of the most unbelievable students that I have ever known. They are the reason that I do what I do. I have a deep burning passion for them to be closer to Jesus each and every day. CrossOver is about 2 things: helping those who don't know Christ to get to know Him and helping those that do know Him to know more and have a deeper relationship with Christ. That's it! That fuels everything we do! It is so cool to get into their world and help them to make a difference. I can't believe that I actually get paid to do this!! Don't tell anyone, but I don't have a choice. This is what God has called me to do.

Jesus, thank You so much for allowing me to be a part of Your great plan. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Please help me to make the most of what I have, where I am!

1 comment:

J.C. said...

hey man so glad to hear that anniston is doing well and i sure hope ga romps all over some orange butt this weekend. Love ya man!!!