Monday, November 13, 2006

Has Brayden given up?

The routine is the same for every Saturday during the fall. If you are a male and you live in the Lollis house, you are required to put on a Clemson Tigers shirt. It's a must. This past Saturday, I got up and put my shirt on. I walked into the living room and noticed that Brayden was breaking the tradition. Joni shared with me that he refused to wear his "ball" (his word for jersey).

It caused me to think. Has he given up on the Tigers after a couple of bad weeks? Has he done what I have wanted to do so many times and thrown in the towel? I was somewhat disappointed but understanding, especially after the way they have played the past 3 weeks.

Then, like every fan, he changed his mind after Clemson scored their first touchdown. He was running through the house with his jersey. He is only 2, but he already has a love/hate relationship with the Tigers!


Anonymous said...

now where is that wonderful comment about your favorite interns? (you know!: Kelsianne, david and ashlin? did you delete it on purpose?)

Anonymous said...

todd what are you doing to your son. I am pretty sure that what is happening is not good for him. now if it were UT that would be ok.