Monday, November 20, 2006

My experiences with critters...

This weekend was an interesting one for a number of reasons. I mentioned yesterday that you should look for upcoming posts about all that happened. Today's post will help you to understand a little about what my weekend was like.

On Saturday morning, I decided to go running. I have really become addicted to it and feel as guilty as an ax murderer if I don't run on the weekends. I had decided on this particular day to run a 5k, or 3.1 miles, which is 2 laps from my house and around Brighton High School. I was about 1/2 way done, when something strange happened. This dog came running out of my neighbor's yard and started chasing me. Now, I would like to tell you that it was a big, ferocious attack dog. However, it was really only a little datsun looking beast. I was bitten by a dog when I was in kindergarten, so I have this phobia of barking canines. All I can imagine it their big, sharp teeth embedding themselves into my calves.

I tried 2 approaches to get rid of the dog. First, I took the "just ignore it and it will go away" idea. Didn't work. Finally, I decided to use the "kick the dog in the face repeatedly" concept. Didn't work either. By this time, I was really annoyed and trying my hardest to get rid of my new best friend. Finally, I think the dog got tired of chasing me and gave up. I felt a little bad because I saw this little kid walking the same dog yesterday. All I could think about was that I had just rocked that poor dog's face with my running shoes. Part of me felt like I should apologize. The other part felt like I should carry a big gun and shoot the dog in the face next time. We'll see who wins out!!

That night, Joni and I went out on a date to downtown Memphis. We decided to go to a movie after we went to eat at Bigfoot (for the 3rd weekend in a row). We went to see Stranger than Fiction, with Will Farrell. I propose a new name for this movie: Dumber than Real Life. For the first time ever, we got up and walked out. I couldn't take the stupidity any longer.

On our way home, a really strange thing happened. We are driving up Hwy. 51 at a rapid pace so that I could get over to Dan Craddock's house to watch the UFC fight (I love the stuff). I noticed that the truck in the left hand hit something. Then the car in front of me hit something. Then I hit something. It all happened so fast that I couldn't figure out what I hit. I just know that my car was attacked by some type of critter. I am unsure if it was alive or not. I just know that blood was splattered all over my car. It was pretty disgusting. So bad, that I had to go immediately to a car wash to get it cleaned. It was an interesting day for my and things with 4 legs!

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