Friday, November 03, 2006

First family outing!!

As most of you know, since Anniston was born so premature, the doctors have basically told us that there is no place like home! Therefore, she does not go out except to go to the doctor. Today, we all jumped in the car for the first time as an entire family to take Anniston to the eye doctor. (Not exactly my idea of family fun, but it was necessary.)

We dropped Brayden off by the Meesomboon's house to play with Anela. Little did we know that we would wait for 3 1/2 hours before we would ever see a doctor. (Does an appointment mean anything?) The exam took 2 minutes and was literally one of the craziest things I have ever seen!!

Since babies don't know how to move their eyes to the left and right on command, the doctor had to help her. They clamp back their eyelids so that the whole eye is exposed. As if this wasn't bad enough, the doctor decided to stick a metal tool in her eye to turn it left and right. OUCH! She let out the saddest cry. It was like she was in distress.

Here's the crazy part. The doctor then says, "that cry is hurting my ears." What I wanted to say to him was, "Einstein, you have a metal object sticking out of her eye. What do you expect?" I bit my tongue and decided not to say what I was thinking. I felt really, really sorry for Anniston!!

1 comment:

David Jacks said...

She hasn't even seen me yet and your already gouging out her eyes!
How will she ever know what true physique is if you blind her before we meet?