Sunday, November 05, 2006


JR and I have been very intentional about our message planning and preparation over the past few weeks. Probably more than ever before! Two weeks ago, we spoke about "the watchmen" in Ezekiel 33. This message created the need for students to go out and try to impact their friends' lives. Last week, we encouraged the students to "Walk Across the Room" and invite their friends to CrossOver/ H2O. This was a really practical challenge to just walk over and invite them to come and/or share your faith story.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have challenged students to write down the names of the people (friends, family, etc.) that they would like to see accept Christ. The students in the Middle School Ministry wrote down 484 names. Yes, I said 484! I was overwhelmed by their concern for their friends and family. I was almost weeping, as I typed in their names. Some students wrote down "mom" or "dad" and one student even wrote, "myself".

I want to invite you to pray with me for the people that are on that list. That's 484 people who, without Jesus, will be on their way to spend eternity in Hell. I don't know hardly any of them, but it breaks my heart to think about them dying without Jesus.

I told our students today that we have challenged them and equipped them, now is the time to do the work. It's time to do something with all of the information we have! Whatever it takes, we have to get them here!!

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