Thursday, September 07, 2006

99.9% Sure

We just got back from the hospital, where we were discussing Anniston's transfer. The doctor at Baptist Women's approved the transfer, so we are hopefully (fingers crossed) driving back tomorrow. They want us to call before we leave to make sure that there is room. Please pray for us as we travel to Memphis and especially for Anniston, as this will be a long trip for her!

Joni's mom is going to be able to stay with us until next Wednesday, which will be a tremendous help. My parents are coming into town this weekend also. They have not seen Anniston yet and I can't wait to see the look on my mom's face. I am so excited that they are finally going to get to see her. My dad just started a new job, so they will only be able to stay a couple of days.

Joni and I would like to ask everyone to help us out by not visiting us on Friday. This is going to be a very tiring day for Anniston and us. This will also be my parents first opportunity to see her and spend some time with her. We hate to ask you to do this, but it is going to be a crazy day! Trust me, we really want to see each and every one of you but we are just asking for a little time to get settled.

We are not sure what the visitation procedures at the hospital will be. If you would like to visit with us and Anniston, we will be at the hospital from 10-12 on Saturday morning.

Anniston is having another good day. They are increasing her feeds twice today. They went up to 22cc earlier and are going to increase to 24cc this afternoon. She continues to get stronger and stronger as the days go by.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing ALL of you. Safe travels and know that we are still praying. We love ya'll, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Todd and Joni,
We are all so excited you will finally be home. Most of the kids have games Sat. So I know that Sam won't be able to see you then,but she will see you Sunday. So it won't be because she doesn't miss you or want to see you!!! Already been praying for traveling mercies for you all with extra mercies for Anniston. You and Joni drive safe. We love you guys.

Julie and Sam