Tuesday, September 19, 2006


As a student pastor, one of the things that I am commonly asked is "should my child only listen to Christian music?" Obviously, everyone has an opinion on this subject. I had someone email me yesterday and ask me about this topic, so I thought I would share with you how I feel.

I am a huge fan of music, first of all. It is one of my addictions. At different points in my life, I have felt differently about this issue. I have gone through phases when I listened to any and everything. There was also the "Christian music only" phase. Now I am somewhere in between the two.

When I was a teenager, I went to a church that took a somewhat legalistic stance on every issue. I was told that I should NEVER listen to anything but Christian music. I really struggled with this because I was not a Michael W. Smith or Amy Grant fan. I wanted to listen to cool music like my friends. I constantly felt like I didn't love Jesus if I listened that stuff.

Then there was the phase where I listened to anything and everything. Believe it or not, I was (and still am) a big fan of rap music. This was not the best idea either. The music I listened to really affected the way that I talked and thought about life. I got in the habit of listening to music that used vulgar language and viewed women as nothing more than an object for man's pleasure.

So, here's where I am today. I really do not believe that you can honestly say that you can find anywhere in the Bible that it says that you cannot listen to "secular" music. I know, I know, some of you will say that we should "not love the world". However, if you believe this way, you need to get rid of your TV, car, cell phone, etc. because none of those things are in the Bible.

However, I do believe that you should use discretion. You won't see me buying the new Snoop Dogg cd. But I was driving down the road today listening to "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi and my Coldplay cd. I could go on and on about this subject.

Parents, what should you do? I would advise you to monitor what your child listens to. Be aware and use those opportunities to teach your student about why certain things are wrong. The bottom line is that they will listen to music other than Christian music. You should be an active part of what they are listening to. Let me know your thoughts.


Josh said...

thanks for the candid point of view. this has been something I've been dealing with lately.

Josh said...
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J.C. said...

well todd i agree but unfortunately parents don't take the time to put into their kids lives like they should you know that. Its funny though that people would take time out of their day to talk to you about the crazy music that their kids listen to. I wish that christian artists would break free of the mold that they have to do certain things in order to be a christian band like use lord 47 times. But instead start to write about things that shape their lives like most musicians do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with listening and being part of what the kids are doing. I have KLOVE programmed in my vehicles, when the kids get in, that is what they hear 95 % of the time, but then Kimberly wants to hear other types, too. The boys ask every once in awhile for us to change it. We just use our discretion and go from there! In the world, there is good decent music that does not have to be Christian.

Glad to read all of the positives about Anniston. Keep the FAITH, it is so inspiring. God has been so good to you and He will continue. Love you guys, Kathy