Thursday, September 21, 2006

Anniston and the Pirates

These 2 things are not really associated, but I do want to talk about both of them in my blog for today.

Anniston continues to do well. She seems to be getting stronger and stronger as the days go by. I think she is probably going to be a pretty fiesty (yes, I used that word) girl. Joni and I are probably going to be in big trouble with her. Brayden certainly seems to be the calm one!

I was at JR's house the other day and we watched Wife Swap. Not usually a show that you would see 2 guys watching, but he Tivo'd it because it looked so interesting. One of the families was a group of pirates. Yes, I said pirates. Their whole goal was to teach their kids 'pirattitude'. It was pretty ridiculous to see a couple of guys named Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy wearing patches over their eyes and running around saying "ARRRRRRRRRRRR". Actually the guy is a real genius. He has written books and even has a website that you can see here. Just proves you can make a living doing anything.

I am ready for the weekend and some Clemson football. We play UNC this weekend. I hope they play well and don't embarrass me!

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