Friday, September 01, 2006

Yes, It has been 2 weeks!

Today, Anniston is 2 weeks old. If you would have told me this story 2 1/2 weeks ago, I would have had you admitted to an insane asylum. The past couple of weeks have been so awesome in so many ways!! It is really hard to fathom that I have a 2 week old daughter. I am so excited! Pretty much the answer to any question she ever asks me is going to be "yes". She already has me wrapped around her finger!!

She is doing really well today. They increased her feedings again. She is up to 10cc every 3 hours. They also reduced the number of breaths per minute they were giving her. Yesterday they moved it from 10 to 5. Everything looks good. Please continue to pray that the infection goes away. Also, please pray that our transfer goes through on Tuesday.

Today was a somewhat sad day because David had to leave. Brenda took him to Memphis, so that he could fly back to Greenville. He could only get one week off work. Brenda is going to stay with us for another week. I know that it was extremely difficult for David to leave. They, along with my parents, have spent a lot of time with Brayden. He also felt bad because he was having to leave with her still in the hospital in Hattiesburg.

I am so grateful that David and Brenda have been here with us. It has been a blessing to have some family around. We were also grateful that they could help us with Brayden all week. My mom is planning to come at some point, she has had to take care of some things in Greenville. Our family has been so helpful!

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