Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Missing CrossOver

I am pretty sad as I am writing this because tonight is Wednesday night and ordinarily I would just be crawling into my bed after a long day at Crosspointe. One thing that has hit me hard today is how much I miss the middle school students there. Apart from my family and a few close friends, nothing else on earth is as important to me as they are. I am really missing not being there to hang out with them at CrossOver. Their encouragement has really meant a lot to me during these difficult days!!

After all, my family is by far the most important thing in my life. I am very unapologetic about that. I know that I am where I am supposed to be, but I still miss those students a ton!

Here is the latest update on Anniston: She seems to be doing well. The antibiotics appear to be working. Her color looks good and she has gained back up to her birth weight (2lbs 9ozs). We are hoping and praying that the infection is cleared up soon!

Some of you have asked about Brayden. He hasn't been back to see Anniston due to the fact he has had a runny nose. We just don't want to take any chances. Therefore, he thinks we just go up to this cool place with lots of elevators (which he loves). We will take him back to see her soon. He is the best kid on the planet!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jennifer. You are where you are needed right now. The kids know that you love them and they know how much you need to be there with your family! Think of the positive, they are going to love you even more from you not being there! It will help keep you attentive to their needs as the leader, and you wanting to be back with them when God saids that it is time. Know that we are praying and missing you all. God is still releasing miracles everyday, Anniston is proof. Glad to know that she is gaining weight and doing better.
Love ya,
Terry and Kathy Dunn