Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sad Day!

Tomorrow is the last day for our summer interns. I begged them all to quit school and hang out with me and JR for the school year. They were pretty excited about the idea but we thought that their parents might strongly object! They have been invaluable this summer. We have had about 9 high school students that have volunteered their entire summer to help the student ministry. They were responsible for the Wed. night services for the summer and planning for the school year. They created some of the funniest skits that I have ever seen. Also, they helped us to be more effective in reaching out to the students in North Shelby and Tipton Counties. It has been so much fun having them around this summer. I will miss them greatly! The good news is that some of them are going to hang around a little more during the school year!

Thanks Cameron, Kelsianne, Sarah, Ashlin, Justin, Jared, Jesse, Josh, Kandice, David! You guys rock my face off!!!!

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